
Showing posts from February, 2019

The Winner Takes it All

What happens at the end of Brave New World ? John dies but then what? What are the consequences of his death? After finishing Brave New World  I felt very unsatisfied with how it at ended. From the beginning of the book we are meant to be horrified by the New World Order. The clinical way they discus mutilating young children leave us (or at least me) upset. They as we see the ways they have stripped away personal freedoms I once again felt very uneasy. As much as I hate to admit it, the New World Order is extremely efficient in their heinous actions. Their society is built in a way that it's nearly impossible to escape their conditioning and to become a free-thinking individual. They mention in the book how each subconscious propaganda is broadcasted over 150 times. Personally I hated the New World Order but their methods were effective. Throughout the book I was hopping that we could see the New World Order crumple or at least some sign of resistance. However at the end of the ...

Maddie’s Thoughts on “Brave New World”

When I first started reading Brave New World, I was confused and even a little disturbed. I think reading about them making babies in factories was definitely something I have never heard of nor thought about before. The first several pages really led me to believe that I wasn’t much going to enjoy it. Though, the book became more intriguing during Lenina and Fanny’s initial conversation. Lenina and Fanny were discussing Lenina’s relationship with Henry. The ideals of this world are much different, and even opposite, to the ideals in our own world. From then on, I was interested in reading the rest of the book, though it seemed weird. My favorite character in Brave New World is John. To me, he is the most relatable. He is definitely the most similar to what we would call a common person in our world. I think he is passionate, but in a different way than Lenina or Bernard Marx. He doesn’t have to take soma to be happy or feel good, and I think that’s interesting for the setting he is...